Pupil premium
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is allocated directly by the Education Funding Authority to Academies and Free Schools and to the local authority to pass onto its maintained schools and non-maintained special schools (NMSS). Where children are educated at an Independent School such as Radlett Lodge school, the PPG is sent to the local authority of that child, not the school. Local authorities may choose to pass this on to Radlett Lodge school but the majority have chosen not to do this.
Where we receive a premium, we have a duty to use it to help disadvantaged children at Radlett Lodge School to boost their attainment.
Where the PPG has been allocated because the pupil is a Looked After Child (LAC), the LAC premium must be managed by the local authority's designated virtual school head (VSH) and for the benefit of the looked-after child's educational needs as described in their personal education plan.
The VSH should ensure there are arrangements in place to discuss how the child will benefit from pupil premium funding with the designated teacher in the child's education setting. The individual pupils who get PPG allocated from their PEP are not published. It is available on request if needed as this is only a few pupils and it could identify the individuals if reported.