Safeguarding and child protection
At Robert Ogden School, we recognise our responsibility to:
- protect children from maltreatment
- prevent impairment of children’s health or development
- ensure that children grow up in a safe environment
- take action to enable all children to have the best outcomes
Robert Ogden School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and safety of all students and expects all staff, multi-agency staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We strive to ensure that consistent and effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, students and staff at school.
Robert Ogden School has policies and procedures in place to deal effectively with child protection and safeguarding issues, which include tackling radicalisation and extremism, together with recording and monitoring processes.
To promote a safe environment for students, Robert Ogden School employs a strict selection and recruitment policy which includes all statutory checks on staff and regular volunteers including Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks.
All staff are trained to a level appropriate to their safeguarding responsibilities, ranging from basic awareness for all, to Level 2 for key staff. The training is monitored and comprehensive records are kept by the Staff Development Co-ordinator.
Staff are required to report any causes of concern to the school safeguarding team. Referrals are logged and monitored to make sure that they are followed up appropriately.
Student attendance is monitored closely and concerns shared as appropriate with parents/carers, education welfare officers, social care and the school Safeguarding Team. Robert Ogden School works effectively with other agencies and parents/carers when necessary to safeguard young people. If you have any serious concerns about your child, another student or a member of staff at Robert Ogden School, please do not hesitate to contact the (DSL) who will be able to provide you with the best advice and help using the appropriate degree of confidentiality.
The Safeguarding Children Policy is available on our policy page.
The School is an Operation Encompass School.
If you are concerned about the safety of a child, you can contact the school to speak to the DSL or you can contact the Barnsley Safeguarding Board.
Any pupil needing help outside school can contact the NSPCC or Childline using the information below.

Support for Parents
Criminal exploitation is a safeguarding issue, but a complicated one as the threat to your child is outside of the home; Parents can struggle to safeguard and can feel isolated and hopeless. There is information out there for parents to help you to understand what is happening to your child.
County Lines information for parents : CAMDEN leaflet for parents
PACE (Parents Against Child Exploitation) provide a helpline for parents whose children are being exploited along with lots of useful articles, webinars, information and real life stories to help them feel more empowered and less alone:
One of the many routes to exploitation can include blackmail; this could be through grooming that leads on to asking a child to send a naked image and then threatening to share it, all parents and children should be made aware of Childline’s Report Remove initiative to help to have these images removed from online: 1. Report Remove video 2. Childline Report Remove website
Support with setting up parental controls on different devices.
If you are a student at Robert Ogden School, you can fill out our student complaints form to raise an issue. We also have a symbol version.
Download our safeguarding poster for further information:
How to keep children safe in education - What you need to know
Safeguarding Information for All Staff and Volunteers at Robert Ogden School
Police alert
South Yorkshire Police and Social Care have received concerning information regarding a new social media App called ‘Frog’. The App is aimed at a Primary aged audience and has recently exploded in popularity. Police have significant concerns as the App is primarily targeted at primary aged children. The App has very limited identity verification requirements.
Specialist Police partners have seen significant information suggesting there is a legitimate risk to Primary aged children being groomed.
For further information about online safety and keeping children safe online please visit our website
Visit the websites below to find out more on how to keep children safe online.
Online safety education for the whole school community.
Helping families keep children safe online.
Childnet working with other to make the internet a safer place.
NSPCC giving familes advice on parental controls to keep children safe online.
The experts in digital family life.
Your guide to apps, games and social media sites.
A place where you can find online safey tips, resources and advice.
CEOP the place to report online issues.
CEOP helps any child or young person under the age of 18 who is being pressured, forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity of any kind. This can be something that has taken place either online or in ‘the real world’, or both. The CEOP Safety Centre has clear information and advice on what can be reported to CEOP, the reporting process and what will happen if you do decide to make a report. You can visit the CEOP Safety Centre and make a report directly to CEOP by clicking the Click CEOP button.
If you are experiencing online bullying or something else online has worried you please speak to an adult you trust, or you can talk to Childline at any time on 0800 1111 or at
CEOP is a command of the National Crime Agency and is dedicated to tackling the sexual abuse and exploitation of children and young people. CEOP helps children and young people under the age of 18 who have been forced or manipulated into taking part, or are being pressured to take part, in sexual activity of any kind. This can be both online and offline. The CEOP Safety Centre offers information and advice for children and young people, parents and carers and professionals. You can visit the CEOP Safety Centre and make a report directly to CEOP by clicking the Click CEOP button. Online bullying or other online concerns should not be reported to CEOP and children and young people should be directed to speak to an adult they trust, and/or referred to Childline, if they would like to speak to someone about how they are feeling.
Useful safeguarding information
Keeping children safe in education information
Keeping Children Safe in Education full document
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Sara White
01709 874443
Click below to email the Designated Safeguarding Lead