Sybil Elgar bringing World Book Day to life with models and displays
Published on 03 March 2022
World Book Day is celebrated in over 100 countries and this year was its 25th anniversary.
Books and literacy are important means of interaction for any person. The stories that we all know and love form a key part of culture through shared experiences and storytelling. Having a shared frame of reference can contribute to many positive interactions with family, friends, peers and teachers.
The pupils and students at Sybil Elgar School helped bring some of their favourite stories to life with creative models and displays.
Teaching teams supported students in creating the models, identifying ways for everyone to be involved. This was a great example of cross faculty collaboration.
6 steps for parents wanting to support their children to read for pleasure
- Being read to regularly
- Access to books at home
- The ability for children to choose what they want to read
- Having trusted adults and peers sharing and recommending books
- The reading experience being enjoyable
- Designated time to read
More information on approaches and evidence can be found on the World Book Day website.