Local support groups
You can find more groups within Blackpool and the surrounding areas on this page. If you know of any groups that we do not list, but would be of interest to local autistic people or their carers, then please email us (via blackpooladultsupport.group@nas.org.uk) so that we can add them to the list.
Blackpool Autism Support and Enrichment is a group which aims to help autistic people based within the Blackpool area, as well as their carers. In the future they hope to offer peer support sessions on a weekly basis in the Blackpool area.
For futher infomation, join their Facebook group here: www.facebook.com/groups/blackpoolautismsupportandenrichment
A social based support group for autistic adults, carers, friends/family (18+) based in Fleetwood. Go and join them and make friends.
When: Every Sunday starting from June 19 2022
Time: 12pm - 2pm
Location: Men's Shed Fleetwood, 85 Manor Road, Fleetwood, FY7 7HY
For more information, join their Facebook Group here: www.facebook.com/groups/584390406247526