Useful links
The Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPPC) is an independent organisation which is managed and run by parent carers, for parent carers.
We strongly believe that our children and young people should have:
- The same opportunities as their siblings and peers
- Fair access to the support they need to live their lives
- Families who feel supported in their caring roles
For more information go to their website
Able Hands Together is based at Little Wishford Farm, just outside Salisbury. We provide flexible options for a whole spectrum of abilities and needs, and we take our Co-Farmers’ lead in terms of how involved they would like to be on a particular day while consistently providing gentle positive encouragement.
Our mission has always been to teach our Co-Farmers how to nurture livestock, grow their own produce, and from this, cook their own meals. In turn, they reap every reward from their efforts whilst stimulating their minds, and most importantly, sharing consistent pastoral and emotional support. Please email or call us.
The Wiltshire Local Offer provides information on the services available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) aged between zero to 25, and how to access them.
The Local Offer must include information about what the local authority expects to be available for children and young people who have special educational needs or a disability. This should include information about what is available in the local authority's area, and what it expects to be available outside its area for children and young people for whom it is responsible (for example Looked After Children), and children and young people in its area who have a disability.
For more information go to their website