Music is a universal language that allows our pupils to express themselves as composers, performers, improvisers and communicators.
At Helen Allison School, we aim to inspire a love of music that not only develops subject-specific skills that a broad and balanced curriculum offers, but also challenges the students to develop transferable skills. These include literacy, numeracy, organisation, listening to each other, following instructions, working in a team and developing friendships.
Music can help those with autism to develop better social skills and develop self-confidence. Music can reduce the stress and anxiety levels of autistic children and adults. Areas of positive impact for an autistic person can include improved:
- Communication skills
- Social development
- Self-expression
- Emotional support
- Cognitive development
- Empowerment
- Creativity.
At Helen Allison School we encourage students to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build up their confidence. Students’ understanding of music will be developed through activities which bring together the requirements of performing, composing, listening and appraising. They are taught to make music together with tuned and un-tuned instruments and to compose pieces. They are also taught to sing and play in time, controlling the sound and pace. They are taught different ways to represent sounds graphically and symbolically.
Key Stage 1 - The Springboard Curriculum
Key Stage 2 - National Curriculum for Music
The curriculum is based on
- Listening
- Composing
- Singing and playing instruments, both tuned and un-tuned
- Performing
Key Stage 3 - National Curriculum for Music/RSL Instrumental Music Graded Exams
Students learn the major elements of music and study different genres of music at a deeper level. They learn to play instruments in a group setting and how to become confident performers. Students can opt to have a weekly instrumental session, either individually or in small group settings.
Key Stage 4/5 - RSL Instrumental Music Graded Exams.
Students at this level work towards graded exams on their chosen instruments.