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Autism Service Directory

Bridgend Voice and Choice

Main information

Type of service: Advocacy (general)

Bridgend Voice and Choice, a service that may be of use for tenants, service users and residents in the Bridgend area. Advisers on the helpline can provide information and advice on advocacy, can advise on entitlement to advocacy based on care and support needs, and can signpost and refer to relevant advocacy services and other specialist services.

Rwyf yn cysylltu ar ran Llais a Dewis Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, gwasanaeth fydda'n gallu bod yn ddefnyddiol i denantiaid, defnyddwyr gwasanaeth a thrigolion ardal Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Gall cynghorwyr y llinell gymorth ddarparu gwybodaeth a chyngor ar eiriolaeth, rhoi cyngor ar hawl i eiriolaeth wedi'i selio ar anghenion gofal a chefnogaeth, ac yn gallu cyfeirio at wasanaethau eiriolaeth berthnasol a gwasanaethau arbenigol eraill.

Bridgend Voice and Choice is the first port of call if you need help to be heard; help to understand social services; or if you feel you're not getting the right support to stay independent.

BVC is for you if…

-  You are aged over 18 and living in Bridgend County Borough

-  You are a professional, a carer, or someone else with a concern for someone’s welfare.


· You want information or advice to help choose the right local service to meet your needs or those of the person you are concerned about

· You need help to understand information that can help you make your own choices

· You feel you need help to be heard and there is no-one else to speak on your behalf

· You want someone to help you speak, or to speak for you, at meetings with social care professionals

· You want help understanding discussions that are taking place about your care or the person you are concerned about

· You want help to take part in the decisions other people are making that are affecting you or the person you are concerned about

· You feel that professionals are not listening to your point of view or you disagree with decisions that are being made about you or the person you are concerned about

· You need help to uphold your rights, or those of the person you are concerned about

Our friendly advisers will try and help you find the right local service to meet your needs or they can help by referring you to an Independent Professional Advocate who is a trained and paid worker who will provide independent support for people that are eligible to access social services and where there is no-one else to help.

Y lle cyntaf i droi os ydych chi angen help i gael eich clywed; cymorth i ddeall gwasanaethau cymdeithasol; os ydych chi'n teimlo nad ydych chi'n derbyn y gefnogaeth gywir i aros yn annibynnol.

Gallem roi cymorth i chi i gael at y gwasanaeth cymdeithasol cywir, gwneud synnwyr o'ch opsiynau a deall eich sefyllfa, cael rhywun i siarad ar eich rhan, ac i eirioli ar eich rhan. Peidiwch รข dioddef yn ddistaw, sicrhewch fod pobl yn clywed.

Mae BVC I chi os…

-  Rydych chi’n dros 18 oed ac yn byw ym Mwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr,

-  Rydych chi'n weithiwr proffesiynol, gofalwr, neu rywun arall sy'n poeni am les rhywun.


· Rydych chi angen gwybodaeth neu gyngor i helpu chi i ddewis y gwasanaeth lleol cywir ar gyfer eich anghenion neu rhai'r person rydych chi'n poeni amdanynt

· Rydych chi angen cymorth i ddeall gwybodaeth sydd yn gallu helpu chi i wneud penderfyniadau eich hun

· Rydych chi'n teimlo bod angen cymorth arnoch i gael eich clywed ac nad oes neb arall i siarad ar eich rhan

· Rydych chi eisiau rhywun i helpu chi i siarad, neu i siarad ar eich rhan, mewn cyfarfodydd gyda gweithwyr gofal cymdeithasol proffesiynol

· Rydych chi eisiau cymorth i ddeall trafodaethau sydd yn digwydd am eich gofal neu'r person rydych chi'n poeni amdanynt

· Rydych chi eisiau cymorth i gymryd rhan yn y penderfyniadau mae pobl eraill yn ei wneud sydd yn cael effaith arnoch chi neu'r person rydych chi'n poeni amdanynt

· Rydych chi'n teimlo nad yw'r gweithwyr proffesiynol yn gwrando ar eich barn neu rydych chi'n anghytuno gyda phenderfyniadau sydd yn cael eu gwneud amdanoch chi neu'r person rydych chi'n poeni amdanynt

· Rydych chi angen cymorth i gynnal eich hawliau, neu hawliau'r person rydych chi'n poeni amdanynt

Bydd ein cynghorwyr cyfeillgar yn ceisio eich helpu i ddarganfod y gwasanaeth lleol cywir fydd yn cyrraedd eich anghenion, neu gallem helpu gan gyfeirio at Eiriolwr Annibynnol Proffesiynol sydd yn weithiwr cyflogedig hyfforddedig fydd yn darparu cefnogaeth annibynnol i bobl sydd yn gymwys i wasanaethau cymdeithasol a ble nad oes neb arall i helpu.


Age: From age 18 to 100

Aimed at: Adult

Gender: All genders

Covers: Bridgend

Registrations & Approaches

Specialisms: Has autism-specific elements


You can contact us by phone email or post.

Phone Icon

0808 801 0330

Inclusion in the Directory does not imply endorsement of a service by the National Autistic Society. Please read our full disclaimer for details.