The National Autistic Society’s vision is a society that works for autistic people. While positive steps in this direction are being taken, there is still so much to do. Our Philanthropy and Partnerships Team invite you to work with us and help transform the lives of autistic people and their families.
Our core areas of work
The National Autistic Society offer a wide breadth of services across the UK that support people on the autistic spectrum and their loved ones. We work closely with professionals and policy makers to improve their understanding of autism and implement necessary change.
With your support, we can ensure autistic people and their loved ones get the help they need on a day-to-day basis, granting them opportunities to gain a diagnosis, attend suitable schools, attain employment and develop the core skills to live more independently.
From our partners
"At our family foundation we believe that high impact philanthropy involves listening, learning and building relationships. Over time, we get to know the organisations we support, draw on their expertise and together determine shared areas of interest. We are proud to have collaborated with the National Autistic Society over several years, including supporting the recent inquiry 'The Autism Act - 10 years on'. The inquiry's identification of mental health provision as a specific area of concern led to further discussions with the team at the National Autistic Society, this in turn has now resulted in our supporting their new collaboration with the mental health charity MIND."
“City Bridge are proud to support The National Autistic Society’s Finding Employment Online Module, which is designed to help autistic adults and young people into employment. This is an exciting five-year project that is helping to tackle a critical issue for the autistic community, and we are delighted to be working alongside the charity to have a significant impact on the life prospects of autistic people.”
Some of our key service areas include:
Through our seven specialist schools and three purpose-designed Cullum Centres, we support autistic children to experience the world-class education they deserve, catered to their behavioural and learning needs.
We support autistic people to develop the skills and experience they need in the workplace, partnering with companies to help them provide excellent job opportunities and autism-friendly working environments.
Through our 116 volunteer-led branches across the UK, community social groups and befriending services, we provide autistic people with the opportunities to meet like-minded people, make friends and overcome the barriers and stigmas which cause so many to be socially isolated.
More than 70% of autistic people experience mental health problems at some point in their lives. Our helpline and local branches support those in need, while we passionately campaign to adapt mental health services for the needs of autistic people.
We are a truly national charity and active in every nation. Our reach is felt through our free of use helpline, online communities, local branches and campaigning to improve public understanding and professional practice for autistic people and their families across the UK.
Our work is always growing beyond these core areas. We are currently leading the way in transforming current support services and enhancing understanding around autistic women and girls, who are severely misrepresented in the field of autism - educating professionals and diagnosticians to recognise the condition in females so they can offer appropriate and timely support.
With any gift of £1,000 or above, be that through a Trust, Foundation or as an individual, one of the National Autistic Society’s dedicated Philanthropy Team will work with you to ensure your giving has a long-term strategic impact which changes the lives of autistic people, in the areas of our work most important to you.
Our Philanthropy Team will provide you with:
- Support and guidance from a dedicated Philanthropy Team member;
- Personalised reports and regular updates on the impact of your gift;
- Opportunities to visit the projects you support and attend events throughout the year.
Circle of Friends members make an annual contribution of £1,000 which supports key services. They play a crucial role in ensuring we have the means and resources every year to transform lives and change attitudes.
Members receive manifold benefits for the fantastic contribution they make, including:
- Dedicated contact in our Philanthropy and Partnerships Team
- Invitations to exclusive events
- Tours of schools and services
- Regular updates on the impact donations have made
- Core membership of The National Autistic Society.
How to get in touch
To learn more about how you can make a lasting impact on the lives of autistic people and their families, contact our Philanthropy and Partnerships Team. They'll be delighted to speak with you.
If you are a Trust, Foundation or an individual wanting to make a personal donation, please contact our Philanthropy and Partnerships Team at philanthropy@nas.org.uk.

Gift aid and making your donation go further
If you are a higher rate taxpayer, you can also claim back the difference between higher rate (40% or 45%) and basic rate tax (20%) on the value of your donation. For a 40% rate taxpayer, that means for every £1 you donate, you can claim back 25p in tax relief. The same applies if you live in Scotland. You can claim the difference through your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HMRC to amend your tax code.
For example, if you pay the 40% rate, a donation of £10,000 allows you to recover £2,500, so the donation costs you only £7,500 net, but the National Autistic Society receives £12,500.
If you pay the 45% rate, a donation of £10,000 allows you to recover £3,125, so the donation costs you only £6,875 net, but we receive £12,500.