Gift Aid and payroll giving
Gift Aid
Gift Aid can increase your gift amount by 25%, at no extra cost to you.
Are you a UK taxpayer? It is easy and does not cost you anything. By signing up to the Gift Aid scheme you could enable us to reclaim the tax on donations made during the past four years, meaning for every £1 we can claim an extra 25p! For example, on your donation of £10,000, we can claim £2,500 in Gift Aid, meaning your gift total will be £12,500.
All you need to do is include details of your charity gifts on your tax form.
For the latest information, see the government's guidance on Gift Aid.
Tell us about your gift aid preferences below.
Higher Tax Rate Giving
If you are a higher rate taxpayer, you can also claim back the difference between higher rate (40% or 45%) and basic rate tax (20%) on the value of your donation. For a 40% rate taxpayer, that means for every £1 you donate, you can claim back 25p in tax relief. The same applies if you live in Scotland. You can claim the difference through your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HMRC to amend your tax code.
For example, if you pay the 40% rate, a donation of £10,000 allows you to recover £2,500, so the donation costs you only £7,500 net, but the National Autistic Society receives £12,500.
If you pay the 45% rate, a donation of £10,000 allows you to recover £3,125, so the donation costs you only £6,875 net, but we receive £12,500.
To find out more about how your support at this level could change the lives of autistic people and their families, please read our Philanthrophy page.
Payroll giving
By giving through your salary, donations will cost you less as they are taken from your salary before tax is deducted.
Find more information on our payroll giving page.
The amount of tax relief you get depends on the rate of tax you pay. For the more details, see government guidance on payroll giving.
Further information
All donors should seek independent financial advice before making a donation.
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