Family support
Support and advice for parents and carers of autistic children, including support to develop a greater understanding of their child’s needs and accessing services that meet the family's needs.
Support programmes for parents and carers
EarlyBird (under 6 years), EarlyBird Plus (ages five to ten years) and Teen Life (ages 10 to 16 years) are parent support programmes that aim to empower parents to develop their understanding of autism and to explore a variety of supportive approaches for a wide variety of situations and experiences.
These programmes focus on understanding autism and supportive approaches for autistic children under the age of 6 and for children between the ages of 5 and 10. Each session focuses on a different topic:- Understanding autism – including key areas of difference, individual profiles, processing differences and one-page profiles
- Communication – including autistic communication styles, supporting communication and using visuals
- Understanding autistic experiences – including sensory processing and talking to your child about their autistic identity
- Supporting daily living – including the low arousal approach, sleep, eating, toileting/hygiene and dressing
- Health and wellbeing – including self-esteem, stress and anxiety and understanding feelings
- Connections – including working with professionals, family dynamics, siblings and education/reasonable adjustments
Programmes are delivered by local professionals who are licensed users of the programme and consist of 6 sessions (2 and a half hours long) usually delivered one session per week for 6 weeks. There will be a maximum of 10 families per programme with each family being offered spaces for up to 2 parents/carers plus, if parents choose, a supporting professional.
Each session is a mixture of information, activities, videos and sharing experiences. There is always time to reflect on how the topic relates to the individual child/family.
The Teen Life programme focuses on understanding autism and supportive approaches for autistic children between the ages of 10 and 16. Each session focuses on a different topic:- Understanding autism – including different profiles, key areas of difference and one-page profiles
- Understanding autistic identity – including talking about autistic identity and disclosing this to others, interests and spending time with other people
- Stress and anxiety/understanding behaviour – including meltdowns/shutdowns, masking and supportive approaches
- Health and wellbeing – including self-esteem, health and wellbeing challenges and supporting health and wellbeing
- Puberty – including bullying, online safety, gender identity, friendships and relationships
- Education/transition to adulthood – including school avoidance, supportive school strategies, independence skills and person-centred planning
Programmes are delivered by local professionals who are licensed users of the programme and consist of 6 sessions (2 and a half hours long) usually delivered one session per week for 6 weeks. There will be a maximum of 10 families per programme with each family being offered spaces for up to 2 parents/carers plus, if parents choose, a supporting professional.
Each session is a mixture of information, activities, videos and sharing experiences. There is always time to reflect on how the topic relates to the individual child/family.
Join a programme
To find out more, or join a programme, contact your local team by searching your area for the programme in our directory.

Resources for teenagers
Free resources for autistic youth: videos, guides, and personal stories to help understand autism.