Crossways, in Suffolk, is a warm and secure home for seven autistic adults. It provides a safe, low arousal environment where, with the support of our staff, people live fulfilled lives and become more independent.

Residents: Six

Males and females

Vacancies: None
Service facilities
- Seven bedrooms
- Two en-suite bathrooms
- Communal lounge
- Dining area
- Kitchen
- Large garden
- Outdoor furniture
- Summerhouse
- Transport links: within walking distance to shops and amenities, there is a regular bus route

Meet Jacob
Since joining our residential service Jacob has begun communicating with staff and family.
Read Jacob's story
Why choose us?
We have autism expertise and knowledge, offer person-centred care, and help people understand their diagnosis.
Read more-
Each person at Crossways has their own full, varied and structured programme. This can include activities at the house itself, or within the local community and around the region, for example trips to the local banger races, sports centre, swimming pool and local pubs, and horseriding, ten pin bowling, snooker, golf and, of course, going to the shops.
Further skills and learning-based activities include college courses at Red2Green in Harvey's Barn, Cambridge and work placements at Onward Enterprises Sheltered Workshops. We also visit the Old Barn Cottages day service for creative therapies such as music and art and to learn social, IT and independent living skills.
"People's relatives told us of staff who were kind and caring. One relative said, 'It's excellent, it's like family. Staff stay there long term and that makes a difference. It's 'tick tick' for quality of care.' Another relative commented, 'The staff are lovely, very caring and we all have a good relationship with them.'"

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