Field View
Field View is a residential service for autistic adults in East Yorkshire. There are four flats and one house which provide safe, low-arousal environments. The people we support can work towards living more independently.

Residents: Eight, aged 28-55


Vacancies: None
Service facilities
- Main building and two bungalows
- Wi-Fi
- Communal lounge
- Large kitchen with dining table
- Large garden
- Extensive secluded fenced grounds
- Summerhouse
- Additional outside activity room in development
- Transport links: M62 and M18 motorways close by with local rail links and bus services in the day
- Vehicle access
- Two house cars

Meet Jacob
Since joining our residential service Jacob has begun communicating with staff and family.
Read Jacob's story
Why choose us?
We have autism expertise and knowledge, offer person-centred care, and help people understand their diagnosis.
Read more-
Everyone who lives at Field View has a programme of leisure and learning activities. This can include activities at the house itself, in the local community or around the region - for example, learning opportunities at Goole College. We are lucky to be based in York near a lot of natural beauty as well as busy local communities, where the people we support can choose the activities that they enjoy and find the most fulfilling.
Accredited 2021
"People were treated with kindness; they were actively listened to and their choices respected. One relative said, 'There's very good support for my [relative] and I am very happy with the service. I get good feedback; they (staff) know him well.'"
Placement suitability
We do not currently have a placement available at this service.

Interested in our adult services?
This service does not have a vacancy right now, but we have other residential and supported living schemes with vacancies throughout the UK
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