Kingsley House
At Kingsley House, Devon, we provide high quality residential and day services for autistic adults in a specialist 24-hour, safe and secure learning environment. Our emphasis is on supporting adults with complex needs to fulfill their potential by developing vocational and life skills.

Residents: Eleven

Males and females

Vacancies: None
Service facilities
- Four houses, Orchard, Ash, Beech and Chestnut
- Communal bathrooms
- Communal lounge per house
- Dining room per house
- Large central courtyard
- Quiet room
- Transport links: close to the countryside and Bideford Coast

Why choose us?
We have autism expertise and knowledge, offer person-centred care, and help people understand their diagnosis.
Read more-
Our accommodation is designed to allow the people who stay with us to experience a greater degree of independence. We provide everyone who lives at Kingsley House with the skills they need to live day-to-day such as budgeting, personal hygiene and communication skills.
Kingsley House is located close to the countryside and the beautiful Bideford coast, and we make the most of our location with a range of outdoor activities including walking along the Tarka Trail and visiting the local beach.
We also run many leisure activities on site, as well as off-site activities such as swimming, riding, rambling, local youth clubs, cinema and shopping trips. We are within walking distance of a large supermarket which we make good use of to practise a range of essential skills.
Accredited 2021
"Health and social care professionals said people were treated as individuals and their equality and diversity was fully respected. For example, one said '(name) has had many placements, their behaviours are such that not many places cope very well for long, but here staff have a real handle on what (name) enjoys doing, what is most important to him and they ensure this is included within his daily plan and regime.'"

Interested in our adult services?
This service does not have a vacancy right now, but we have other residential and supported living schemes with vacancies throughout the UK
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