St Edwards Close
St Edwards Close is a residential service separated into two homes in New Addington, London, a quiet residential area. We currently have two bedrooms available, sharing a home with a maximum of 6 others. We are a short drive from Selsdon Wood Nature Reserve as well as Croydon town itself, giving us access to a range of activities for different lifestyles.

Residents: Ten, 30-60 years old

Males and females

Vacancies: Two
Service facilities
- Two houses
- Twelve bedrooms
- Communal bathrooms for rooms that don't have an ensuite
- Communal lounge per house
- Dining room per house
- Kitchen per house
- Large garden with courtyard
- Outdoor seating area
- Table tennis
- Vegetable patch
- Transport links: bus service into Croydon town centre
We are within walking distance of shops, parks, a swimming pool, a library and many other community facilities.
St Edwards is close to two of our Centres which support people to gain greater independence and take part in activities in a safe envionrment.
Accredited 2016

Meet Jacob
Since joining our residential service Jacob has begun communicating with staff and family.
Read Jacob's story
Why choose us?
We have autism expertise and knowledge, offer person-centred care, and help people understand their diagnosis.
Read more"Staff understood the best ways to communicate with people to help them make choices and express their views. For example, staff described to us the different ways people who had limited communication expressed their preferences. We observed staff gave people the time they needed to communicate."
Placement suitability
The criteria for a referral to this service would be someone over 18 years old with a diagnosis of autism. Funding from a local authority or health trust would need to be in place.
We are currently supporting 1 female and 9 males across both houses. There are two bedrooms available in one of the houses sharing with 1 female and 3 males. Both bedrooms are upstairs with a shared bathroom and also access to a shared shower room and a seperate toilet. Current residents are aged between 30-60 years old who are verbal and non-verbal with additional learning disabilities.
In England the regulatory body CQC is ensuring support providers are providing local support for local people. Therefore when we receive a referral from outside of the local authority area where our service is, we need to demonstrate we have taken steps to explore meaningful family links or connections to the area. We would also need a clear rationale from the funder as to why they are seeking an out of county placement. Therefore not all referrals may be considered for each NAS service.

Refer an autistic adult to our services
Admission criteria includes: over 18 years of age, a diagnosis of autism, and appropriate funding in place
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