St Huberts
St Huberts in Great Harwood, Lancashire, is a specialist supported living service for autistic adults who have additional learning disabilities or other complex needs. The service is for six people with each person in their own self-contained flat.

Residents: Five

Males and females

Vacancies: one
Service facilities
Vacant flat has:
- Open kitchen and living area with space for utilities including a worktop oven
- Single bedroom with en-suite shower room
- Own front door
- Large bay window offering lots of natural light
- Ground floor
- Communal kitchen and lounge area
- Access to a vast outside space with ongoing projects to create seating areas and a working area
- St Huberts is a five minute walk to Great Harwood town centre and local amenities including a leisure centre, library, three major supermarkets and a health centre.
- The supported living office is based in the town centre.
- The service is on a major bus route to larger towns including Accrington and Blackburn. Fantastic community presence where the people living at St Huberts organise community events to raise money for the communal areas and house trips
A supported living service based in the community where support is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We enable independence and encourage learning and development upon existing life skills.
There are fantastic works and outdoor sports facilities, beautiful parks and a golf, football and cricket clubs nearby. Within 3 miles you can be in the countryside and enjoying the Leeds Liverpool Canal.
Each person engages daily with a variety of activities, from developing domestic tasks to volunteering work in a local charity shop to clubs & in house woodwork, agricultural show and craft workshops, individuals are currently making garden furniture out of wooden pallets. Each person's programme is personalised to their interests and person-centred outcomes and goals.
We support individuals to engage with their peers networking with other local services as well as the wider community.
A communal meal is arranged for every Sunday where they take it in turns to host the theme from around the world to a Sunday roast, the individuals shop, prepare and cook the meal to dine together with support where required.

Kitchen facilities

Apartment with kitchen facilities

Why choose us?
We have autism expertise and knowledge, offer person-centred care, and help people understand their diagnosis.
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Meet John
Our staff helped John move from a residential home, supported living shared housing, to his own flat.
Read John's story"Staff showed sensitivity and tact when responding to people's needs, choices and behaviours. They were respectful and kind when supporting and encouraging people with their daily living activities and lifestyle choices. [...] One person said, "I can do a lot of things, I just need a bit of help." We observed people doing things independently, making their own decisions and sharing responsibilities. This included sharing responsibility for household chores and planning activities. Promoting choice and encouraging independence was reflected in the care plan process."
Placement suitability
The criteria for a referral to this service would be someone over 18 years old with a diagnosis of autism. Funding from a local authority or health trust would need to be in place.
Characteristics of the people we currently support range from gamers, sports including football, friendly and busy/ loud at times offering opportunities for social interaction when this suits. The people we support enjoy spending time together in the communal spaces however there is the opportunity to spend time in their own flats should they prefer.
There is background shared support 24 hours a day 7 days a week this consists of a sleep in member of staff available through the night. One member of staff available for background support through the day. Targeted 1:1 support is offered at a minimum of 25 hours a week to each individual on top of the shared support.
In England the regulatory body CQC is ensuring support providers are providing local services for local people. Therefore when we receive a referral from outside of the local authority area where our service is, we need to demonstrate we have taken steps to explore meaningful family links or connections to the area. We would also need a clear rationale from the funder as to why they are seeking an out of county placement. Therefore not all referrals may be considered for each NAS service.

Refer an autistic adult to our services
Admission criteria includes: over 18 years of age, a diagnosis of autism, and appropriate funding in place
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