Springburn is a supported living service based in the North of Glasgow. There are 5 flats with the capacity to house individuals to have their own flat and there is a staff office onsite.

Residents: Four aged 33-63


Vacancies: None
Service facilities
- Excellent links to Glasgow city centre and Greater Glasgow Area
- Walking distance to Springburn Shopping Centre, Tesco Superstore and Springburn Leisure Centre
- Located in a quiet street in the North of Glasgow
- Spacious Rear Garden
- Shared Vehicle Access

Meet John
Our staff helped John move from a residential home, supported living shared housing, to his own flat.
Read John's story
Why choose us?
We have autism expertise and knowledge, offer person-centred care, and help people understand their diagnosis.
Read more-
We offer 24 hour support to the people we support and the flats have potential for a sleepover space if that is an individuals requirement.
This is a perfect setup for a supported living service for the people we support to grow and flourish with good access to the local and wider community.
"We could see that staff saw people as experts in their own support and their views were always sought in any decisions about their care. We could see that the service had a strong ethos of consultation and participation by taking actions arising from the various events, meetings and care reviews. These gave comprehensive information about each person."
Placement suitability
All referrals would need to be for an adult over 18 years old with a diagnosis of autism, and funding in place from the local authority or health trust who are seeking supported living services.

Refer an autistic adult to our services
Admission criteria includes: over 18 years of age, a diagnosis of autism, and appropriate funding in place
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