North Somerset Centre
Our North Somerset centre is based in Weston-Super-Mare and we provide opportunities for individuals on the spectrum to attend sessions on either a 1:1 or 1:2 support ratio or in a 1:3 group setting, depending on the needs of the individual. We aim to create a framework of goals and objectives for individuals who attend the sessions to enable them to work on achieving meaningful outcomes. We offer the opportunity to access the centre from a minimum of a half day session to a full time programme and the bus stop is a 5 minute walk from the centre.

Service users: 29

Males and females

Vacancies available
Service facilities
- Art and Craft room
- Woodworking room including hand tools and craft machinery
- IT room
- Garden allotment
- Sensory room
- Fully equipped kitchen
- Games area (board games)

Art room

Computer room

Computer room

Games area

Hallway art gallery



Sensory room

- Learning Programme: Outcome led programmes designed to meet the specific development needs of each individual. Activities range from woodwork, gardening, forest school activities, cooking, Art, Information Technology and Music and many more individualised sessions.
- Work Skills: We offer support with gaining employment including help with writing CV’s and completing application forms, to help with accessing volunteering opportunities that the individual may be interested in. This can include help to gather information or supporting the individual in the position.
- We offer the opportunity to work towards the recognised ASDAN awards in independent living skills.
- The centre is linked to a local professional photographer and together we offer photography wellbeing sessions. Meeting the photographer at an agreed location individuals are provided the opportunity to enjoy a walk whist engaging in photography to learn and develop new skills including printing.
- There is a singing group which is accessible every fortnight on a Tuesday afternoon.
- Enterprise: We use social enterprises to generate income for our charity in a sustainable and beneficial way. This includes our products made in our woodwork and craft departments. The enterprise supports adults with autism to flourish and build self-esteem whilst supporting them to learn a variety of skills and offering independence and leisure opportunities. We link into the local community to provide a presense by attening local events and markets where the people we support sell a wide range of summer garden products and showcase their work, boosting self confidance and moral.
- Allotment: Located within a short drive from the centre, the allotment offers a community space to develop horticultural skills whilst also providing a space where people can nature watch, relax and the area offers a sensory experience.
- We offer a sign along group on Thursday afternoons. Participants are able to take a book home with them in order to practice the signs and share with their families/peer group. The individuals are able to attain an inhouse certificate when completing each stage.
- There is scope to explore new activities and experiences therefore referrals are welcomed and these will be explored.
Accredited 2021

Meet Nick
After struggling to find regular work, Nick was supported by staff members at the Centre, who helped him with applications and interviews to get his job.
Read Nick's story
Why choose us?
We have autism expertise and knowledge, offer person-centred care, and help people understand their diagnosis.
Read more
Refer an autistic adult to our services
Admission criteria includes: over 18 years of age, a diagnosis of autism, and appropriate funding in place
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