A new education law came into force in Wales on 1st September 2021. The Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 changes how children and young people aged 0-25 years with additional learning needs (ALN) will have their needs assessed, planned and monitored. These changes will be introduced gradually over the next 3 years. We will be updating our information resources in line with the new changes.
You can read more about the new Act here.
Annual review
The review of a statement/ Individual Development Plan (IDP) of additional learning needs which a Local Authority (LA) must make within 12 months of making an IDP or of the previous review.
Assessment (see Individual Development Plan)
The advices (or reports) given to parents and the LA when a child is assessed. The LA should attach these to the final Individual Development Plan (IDP).
Additional learning needs
A child has learning needs if he or she has learning difficulties that need additional learning provision.
Additional Learning Provision (ALP)
ALP for a learner aged over 3 years means educational or training provision that is additional to, or different from, than what is made generally for others of the same age in a mainstream school, Further Education Institution (FEI) or nursery education setting In Wales. This does not include differentiated teaching.
Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCO)
The ALNCO is the individual within a school or FEI who ensures the needs of all learners with ALN within the education setting are met. The role is a strategic one within the education setting and should therefore, either form part of the senior leadership team or have a clear line of communication to the senior leadership team. This will support the setting to plan, manage and deliver its duties and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of children and young people.
Clinical Psychologist
A professional who studies how people behave. They can make an assessment with regards to behavioural and emotional issues and may implement a behaviour management plan. Clinical Psychologists are able to make the initial diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.
Code of Practice
The Additional Learning Needs Code for Wales 2021 provides practical advice to Local Authorities (LAs), schools and others on carrying out their statutory duties to identify, assess and make provision for children with additional learning needs. LAs, schools, the Education Tribunal for Wales (ETW) and others such as health and social services must have regard to it.
Designated Educational Clinical Lead Officer (DECLO)
The ALN Act places a duty on all local health boards to designate an officer to have responsibility for co-ordinating the health board’s functions in relation to children and young people with ALN. That person is known as the Designated Education Clinical Lead Officer (DECLO). The DECLO must either be a registered medical practitioner or a registered nurse or another health professional.
Disagreement resolution (sometimes called Mediation)
All LAs must provide a disagreement resolution service. The service is to help prevent or sort out disagreements between parents of children with additional learning needs and the Local Authority (LA) or a school/FEI. They are designed to bring together the different sides in an informal way to try to sort out the disagreement through discussion. The service must be independent of the LA. Using these arrangements is voluntary and, should parents, children or young person have the right of appeal to the Education Tribunal for Wales, then they can enter into disagreement resolution without effecting their legal rights.
An order by the president of the Education Tribunal for Wales which parents or the LA must reply to.
Letters or reports, including an Individual Development Plan outlining additional learning needs.
Early Years ALN Lead Officer(ALNLO)
The ALN Act requires each local authority to designate an Early Years ALNLO, who will have responsibility for co-ordinating the local authority’s functions under the Act in relation to children under compulsory school age who are not attending maintained schools.
Early education practitioners
All people who work in early years settings, whatever their qualifications.
Early education settings
Providers in receipt of government funding to deliver early education including - maintained mainstream and special schools, maintained nursery schools, independent schools, non-maintained special schools, local authority day care providers such as day nurseries and family centres, other registered day care providers such as pre-schools, playgroups and private day nurseries, local authority Portage schemes and accredited childminders working as part of an approved National Childminding Association network. See our information on Getting extra help at school.
Educational Psychologist (EP)
Educational Psychologists are involved in the assessment of educational needs and the assessment process. They are usually employed by the Local Authority to advise and help staff in schools and make recommendations with regards to the needs of a child. Some EPs work on an independent basis and can be commissioned by parents to assess and report on their child. Our Autism Services Directory holds details of independent Educational Psychologists with experience of autism.
Education Welfare Officer
Person employed by a local authority to help parents and local authorities meet their respective statutory obligations in relation to school attendance. In some areas Education Welfare Officers are known as Education Social Workers.
Foundation stage
The foundation stage begins when children reach the age of three. Many children attend an early education setting soon after their third birthday. The foundation stage continues until the end of the reception year and is consistent with the National Curriculum. It prepares children for learning in school year one, when programmes of study for key stage one are taught.
Independent Advocacy
Local authorities have a duty to provide independent advocacy services. This is to support children and young people with making an appeal to the Tribunal or taking part in, or intending to take part in, arrangements for avoidance and resolution.
Independent school
A school that is not maintained by a local authority.
Individual development plan (IDP)
Also referred to as the “plan”, an IDP is a document for children and young people with additional learning needs (ALN) which helps teaching staff to plan for your child, teach them, and review their progress.
Learning support assistant (LSA)
A widely used job title for an assistant providing in-school support for pupils with special educational needs. An LSA will normally work with a particular pupil or pupils providing close support to the individual pupil and assistance to those responsible for teaching him/her. This person can also be known as a Teaching Assistant (TA).
Local Authority (LA)
The part of the local council that is responsible for providing education, making assessments and maintaining statements.
Mainstream school
An ordinary school.
Maintained school
Schools maintained by a LA - any community, foundation, voluntary schools, community special and foundation special schools.
National Curriculum
This sets out a clear, full and statutory entitlement to learning for all pupils, determining what should be taught and setting attainment targets for learning. It also determines how performance will be assessed and reported.
Non-maintained special school
Schools which are not maintained by the state but charge fees on a non-profit-making basis. Most non-maintained special schools are run by major charities or charitable trusts.
Occupational therapy (OT)
Motor, sensory, perceptual, social and emotional self- care skills are assessed by an occupational therapist. Working with the child, parents and teachers - occupational therapists use therapeutic techniques to improve a child's ability to access the physical and learning curriculum and can advise on equipment and environment adaptations that may help.
The decision of an appeal given by the Education Tribunal for Wales after a hearing.
A parent includes any person who has parental responsibility or who cares for a child.
Parent partnership service
A service providing advice and information to parents whose children have ALN. Even though it is funded by the LA it provides a service to parents and is often either run at a distance from the LA or by a voluntary organisation.
Planned, home-based educational support for pre-school children with ALN usually provided by the local authority.
Therapy designed for problems with movement posture and balance. A physiotherapist's main aim is to help a child function and move normally, preventing abnormal positions or movements. An assessment will be made so as to find out what stage of development the child is at in comparison to a normal child. The physiotherapist will decide treatment. They will recommend the number of times therapy will be required and whether any special equipment is needed.
Pupil Referral Unit (PRU)
Any school established and maintained by a local authority which is specially organised to provide education for pupils who would not otherwise receive suitable education because of illness, exclusion or any other reason.
Special school
A school which is specially organised to make additional learning provision for pupils with additional learning needs.
Speech and language therapy
Therapy to help those with speech, language and communication difficulties (and associated difficulties with eating and swallowing) to reach their maximum communication potential and achieve independence in all aspects of life. Some speech and language therapists work on an independent basis and can be commissioned by parents to assess and report on their child. Our Autism Services Directory holds details of independent Educational Psychologists with experience of autism.
Strike out
A tribunal may strike out an appeal (bring it to an end) if the LA has applied for the appeal to be brought to an end, (or the president has directed that the appeal should be brought to an end) because it is not valid. In either case you can write to the Education Tribunal for Wales with comments or ask for the strike out to be considered at a tribunal hearing.
Transition Plan
A transition plan should be devised following the year 9 annual review and updated at subsequent annual reviews. The purpose of the plan is to draw together information from a range of individuals within and beyond the school, in order to plan for the young person's transition to adult life.
Tribunal hearing
The meeting at which an appeal is considered.
Witness summons
A document that orders a witness to go to a tribunal hearing.
Useful documents and reading
The Additional Learning Needs Code for Wales 2021
The Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018