Transition tips - a guide for higher education professionals
All colleges and universities have autistic students. The key to their success will be a good transition, where staff get to know students and how to meet their needs.
It’s important for further and higher education settings to create a culture of inclusion and aspiration, as this will lead to progression and positive outcomes for all learners.
While autistic students may struggle with aspects of college and university life they have skills and strengths which should be valued. Enthusiasm, punctuality, determination and reliability are among the many qualities that students on the autism spectrum may bring.
Preparing an autistic student for entry
Here are some ways that you can help prepare an autistic student for entry.
- Have clear information on access arrangements in the prospectus and on your website.
- Ensure there are clear signs around the campus or site and maps that are easy to understand before potential students visit.
- Once you have established an applicant is autistic, contact them to discuss their needs and concerns.
- Provide support to help successful applicants find suitable accommodation if appropriate.
- Have a 'safe' space on campus for the individual to go to when anxiety levels get too high and highlight this to autistic students before they start their course.
- Provide information in a visual format if necessary eg photos of campus, site or staff.
- Ensure that you are linking with the schools of future students to create clear and robust transition plans and understand the individual’s needs. This could include attending annual reviews, transition visits for the student to college and college staff visiting and their current school to shadow staff.
- Understand and recognise the rights and needs of autistic learners by: listening to their views and those of their family; personalising programmes and supporting them to reach their chosen destination.
- Identify someone, usually the disability co-ordinator or officer, who has responsibility for supporting autistic students and ensure that applicants are aware of this contact.
- Provide mentors who are more experienced students that want to be help support new autistic students with the more challenging aspects of college, such as walking through busy corridors and unstructured times.
- Effectively support transition for all learners, both from school to college and from college into higher education, ensuring they are working and living as independently as possible.
- Ensure that all college staff have an understanding of autism, and that teaching staff draw on specialist expertise to adapt the curriculum and develop inclusive teaching methods.
- Ensure all staff are given information about a student’s needs.
These adaptations may benefit all students, particularly those that may have other disabilities.
It’s useful to link in with local or national organisations that can provide support and ensure that students have the information they need. For example, Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) can be claimed by students in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
More information
Find out more about autism
Read our transition information on leaving school and starting college or university, specific to England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
Read Supporting autistic people to transition into university life
Organise Understanding autism training for your staff
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