Wokingham ASSIST Team | EarlyBird Plus
Main information
Service categories: Information, advice and advocacy, Support groups, social programs and branches
The EarlyBird Plus Parent Programme supports parents and carers of school aged children under ten with a diagnosis of autism. In Wokingham, we are also able to offer this programme to parents whose child is on the pathway for an autism assessment.
The programme is held termly and aims to support families to:
*Understand autism and how children experience the world around them.
*Develop interactions and communication with their child.
*Understand their child's behaviour.
Attending the programme can be a source of support by meeting with other parents/carers and hearing about services and activities in the Wokingham area.
Age: From age 4 to 9
Aimed at: Parent/carer of a child
Referral Sources: Yourself
Registrations & Approaches
Specialisms: Autism, Challenging behaviour, Exclusively autism specific
Regulatory or professional certifications:
All services from this provider
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