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Autism Service Directory

Families SEND Support Team Bradford Council | EarlyBird

Main information

Type of service: EarlyBird, Licensed providers

The EarlyBird Parent Programme supports parents and carers of pre-school aged children (under five years) with a diagnosis of autism.

The programme is held over approximately 3 months and aims to support families to:

*Understand autism and how children experience the world around them.

*Develop interactions and communication with their child.

*Understand their child's behaviour.

Please contact the local diagnostic team/professional or local authority Early Years team for information on programme availability. If you do not have an EarlyBird team in your area please contact your local health and/or education professionals to request information regarding post-diagnostic support in your area.


Age: From age 1 to 4

Aimed at: Parent/carer of a child


You can contact us by phone email or post.

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Nicola Rothwell & Lisa Haley
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Department of Children's Services, Educational Psychology Margaret McMillan Tower, Princes Way, Bradford , BD1 1NN
Inclusion in the Directory does not imply endorsement of a service by the National Autistic Society. Please read our full disclaimer for details.