EarlyBird, EarlyBird Plus and Teen Life programmes Update September 2021
Although some teams are starting to return to face-to-face programme delivery, we understand that this isn’t possible everywhere and realise that not everyone is comfortable with delivering that way currently. The decision of when to return to delivering programmes face-to-face is one that should be made by teams locally in line with your risk assessments and other organisational policies, and in consultation with your manager.
In recognition of this uncertainty the existing shortened six session versions of the EarlyBird and EarlyBird Plus programmes will be available for delivery until the 31st of December 2021. Virtual Teen Life programmes delivered over nine sessions can also be continued until the end of the year.
Firstly, we would like to thank everyone who completed the online questionnaire about the virtual programmes. Your responses have helped us to develop the longer term parent programme model.
We are pleased to confirm that due to the overwhelming success of the virtual programmes EarlyBird, EarlyBird Plus and Teen life will continue to be available for virtual delivery. Although face-to-face sessions remain our preferred option for delivery we acknowledge that some families have welcomed the virtual programme.
Once the pandemic is over teams will be required to follow the guidance below to ensure that face-to-face delivery remains the main focus of their offer to families.
• Those delivering termly (three times per year) should deliver at least two programmes face-to-face.
• Teams delivering more than one programme per term should aim for around two out of every three
programmes delivered to be face-to-face.
• Those who deliver twice a year can do one of each type.
• Teams that don’t fit into the above models for delivery should still look to do more than half of their
total programmes face-to-face.
• Teams wishing to deliver the majority of programmes virtually need to contact the National Autistic Society training team and outline why they are making the request. This will be considered on a case by case basis
The feedback within the questionnaire showed a preference for bringing the virtual programme in line with the face-to-face programme framework. Therefore, from January 2022 the virtual programme should be delivered over eight two hour sessions, which should include a short break. The existing parent book will continue to cover both face-to-face and virtual programmes.
We will be adding a new folder to the EarlyBird and EarlyBird Plus SharePoint site in the next couple of months which will contain the new programme slides and other related documents. These will be very similar to the original eight session programme materials but with slightly fewer slides. The six session materials will be removed from the site in January.
Other changes to the Earlybird/Earlybird Plus virtual offer following the questionnaire responses:
• Home visits – please consult with parents and allow them to choose whether they would like
home visits to take place virtually or face-to-face.
• A maximum of six families can attend, and sessions must be delivered by two Licensed Users,
this change can be implemented immediately to the existing six session version.
• EarlyBird Plus – parents can choose to invite a supporting professional to attend the programme.
Feedback from the survey was overwhelmingly positive in favour of retaining the option for teams to be able to offer programmes both face-to-face and virtually on a more permanent basis. Although we know that some people did want to stay with the nine session option, 76% of respondents felt that the six session option was preferable, and as we are mindful of this now being a long term option, we are aiming to keep the consistency of delivery across all the EarlyBird portfolio.
As of January 2022, the online-delivery option for Teen Life will move to a six session model, with each session lasting for two hours. The session content will follow the same format as the original six session face-to-face programme, with some small changes to:
• the number of slides.
• a couple of the ‘personalise’ activities.
• more signposting to the workbook.
All programmes, face-to-face or online, will need to be delivered by two Licensed Users, for up to six families and accompanying professionals.
We will provide revised PowerPoints and Programme overviews for the online delivery programme. The Teen Life Workbook will cover both face-to-face and online delivery programmes. We will be developing the revised materials and adding them to the SharePoint site over the next couple of months.
In the previous update we reported the closure of our general autism Helpline and the resulting requirement to make slight amendments to the programme materials. The changes have now been made to both EarlyBird and EarlyBird Plus resources. The programme slides for session eight have been changed and you should delete the old version and download the new PowerPoint from the SharePoint site. Both EarlyBird and EarlyBird Plus programme parent books have been amended, however the amends are very minor so we intend to use existing stock levels up before we start to use the new.
For up to date information about support from The National Autistic Society please signpost parents to our website www.autism.org.uk/what-we-do/help-and-support
There have also been some minor amendments to the training manuals due to the changes within the PowerPoint slides. For those who wish to keep their copy of the manual up to date the following pages have been altered. These can be printed from the pdf on the SharePoint site.
• Session 1 – Slide 7 - page 27 (change to the notes)
• Session 8 – Slide 14 - page 228 (very minor change in the notes)
• Session 8 – Slide 15 - page 229 (replacement slide and notes)EarlyBird Plus:
• Session 1 – Slide 7 - page 28 (change to the notes)
• Session 8 – Slide 13 - page 230 (very minor change in the notes)
• Session 8 – Slide 14 - page 231 (replacement slide and notes)The amendments to the Teen Life resources will be made early in the Autumn term and further details about these communicated via the SharePoint site.
As the EarlyBird and EarlyBird Plus programmes are very similar we are introducing an exciting new training offer which will only be available to existing EarlyBird and EarlyBird Plus Licensed Users. Those already licensed to deliver one programme and have either attended the Licensed User training or delivered a programme within the last 18 months are eligible to attend.
The ‘Bolt on’ training will be delivered virtually over one day and will cover the differences within the programmes. For example, the training for existing EarlyBird Licensed Users would be an EarlyBird Plus ‘Bolt on’ day which would cover how EarlyBird Plus differs from EarlyBird. Attendees will be provided with the relevant training manual, parent book and given access to the resources they need and be licensed to deliver the other programme for three years. The cost of this training will be £420 per delegate.
We will shortly be adding some dates for these sessions into our training schedule and advertising them on our website. For more information please email training.enquiries@nas.org.uk.
For all parent book orders that are paid by card payment please use the link below. The minimum number that can be ordered is four.
All orders requiring invoices or those for fewer than four books or for large numbers please send your requests directly to us via email training.enquiries@nas.org.uk.
Reminder - we now have EarlyBird, EarlyBird Plus and Teen Life information leaflets which are downloadable from the SharePoint site. These are ideal for publicising your programmes and for adding into post diagnostic information packs. There is space for you to insert the contact details for your team and you also have the option to add your organisation’s logo.
We have now developed specific National Autsitic Society Licenced User logos, which you are able to use to demonstrate that you are an EB/EBP/TL Licensed User. These are very specific logos, which include the main National Autstic Society logo. These can be found in the relevant SharePoint section in a new folder named Leaflets and logos. You can use these in a range of ways, including on your own publicity materials and on your organisation's website. There is a guidance document in the folder which you must read prior to use.