The National Autistic Society Scotland launches new three-year strategy
Published on 01 September 2023

The National Autistic Society Scotland is delighted to announce the launch of our new strategy ‘From Vision to Reality’ which will run until 2026. The strategy builds upon our Moonshot Vision, which sets out what a society that works for autistic people and their families would look like.
The Moonshot Vision highlighted that a society that works for autistic people:
- values autistic individuals,
- maximises autistic power,
- guarantees support,
- adapts public spaces and services, and
- is free from discrimination.
The Scotland strategy aims to work towards making this vision a reality for the 56,000 autistic people in Scotland and their families.

Three key themes of the Scotland strategy that run throughout are that we will:
- ensure that autistic people are at the heart of design, development, and delivery;
- empower autistic people and families through our support and amplify their voices;
- collaborate wherever we can.

Rob Holland, Director of the National Autistic Society Scotland said:
“Today is an exciting day and I’m hugely proud of the strategy – not least with the steps we’ve taken to include autistic people, families, volunteers, professionals, and staff in its development. It is ambitious and ensures that we put the voices of autistic people firmly at the heart of what we’re doing, whether that’s designing and delivering our support through to our campaigning and influencing work.
We cannot deliver this strategy alone and so to be successful, we will collaborate and partner with others who share our vision and want to see it become a reality.”