Meet Bentley
One of our regular groups at our Carryduff Autism Centre is the Afternoon Club for autistic children between the ages of 7-12 with high support needs. Between 5pm and 7pm, each child receives direct 1-1 or 2-1 support from our staff and can make use of our wide range of facilities.
One boy who’s a regular attendee at our Wednesday club sessions is Bentley, whose mother was kind enough to answer some questions for us on how the Afternoon Club has been for Bentley and his family.
To start with, we asked Bentley’s mother to describe him for us.
“Bentley is a very happy little boy who has Autism and ADHD. Bentley attends special school and requires a lot of support with all aspects of his learning especially socialising. Bentley’s ability to socialise is limited outside school because of triggers and his own safety.
Bentley loves attending his Wednesday club with National Autistic Society. This offers Bentley opportunities for socialising in a safe place for him with minimal triggers. The centre has an amazing sensory room and enclosed outdoor area which he enjoys. The centre is secure with no ability for him to elope which brings great comfort to me. Bentley can become very over stimulated in play areas and we as a family are often unable to enjoy them because of his sensitivity to noise and play areas not being suitable for Bentley.” Attending his Wednesday club has provided my family with respite that I know he is safe and do not need to worry while I have time to do food shopping and spend some quality time with my youngest son.”
Bentley’s mother also provided us with some information on his progress since attending the afternoon club.
Bentley has made amazing progress from his time in the club and he has made great relationshipswith the staff at the centre. His speech has improved and I find that he is coping better in situationswhich would have previously overwhelmed him.
“Bentley is lucky that a friend from his class in school also attends, giving the boys more time together.
I would highly recommend the services of National Autistic Society to any family with autistic children. It offers me a chance to recharge while Bentley is able to enjoy a safe environment with staff who understand and are more than capable of caring for him.”