North Somerset Outreach Service
Main information
Type of service: Outreach
Service URL:
Our flexible outreach service of 25 hours or more per week helps autistic adults to take part in activities outside their home, build their confidence and become more independent in all aspects of life. For example, we can help people to take part in their favourite sport or attend a college course.
The North Somerset outreach service supports autistic young people and adults. They offer person centred and flexible support which responds meaningfully to people's needs, interests and goals. They also help to identify personal and professional development needs. Outreach provides support to people to enable them to access the community. This might include support in a person's own home, family home, supported living, education, employment, recreation/leisure. Self referrals are accepted from individuals that receive direct payments. Enquiries to
Age: From age 18 to 98
Aimed at: Adult
Covers: South West
Registrations & Approaches
Specialisms: Exclusively autism specific