Gender pay gap report 2022
At the National Autistic Society, we are committed to promoting equality and diversity among our staff, which we believe is vital to our work as an effective and dynamic charity.
In line with the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, this page sets out the pay rate differences between women and men.
The data shows that we have a small pay gap for the reporting year 2022.
The differences are shown in relation to hourly rates of pay and are as follows (at 5 April 2022):
- Our mean pay gap is 1.68% (compared to 2.8% in the reporting year 2021). This means that the average hourly pay of women who work for our charity is slightly less than the average for men, with the difference being £0.22 per hour compared to £0.33 per hour in the reporting year 2021.
- Our median pay gap is 0.65% (compared to 0% in the previous year). This means that the hourly pay for the middle-paid woman is slightly less than the hourly pay for the middle-paid man, with the difference being £0.07.
We are also required to report on rates of bonus pay, but the charity does not pay bonuses to staff.
The pay gap regulations also require us to show the percentage of women and men employed in different pay quartiles which is set out below.
- Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them in the upper quartile: males 29.2%, females 70.8%
- Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them in the upper middle quartile: males 29.3%, females 70.7%
- Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them in the lower middle quartile: males 32.6%, females 67.4%
- Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them in the lower quartile: males 24.5%, females 75.5%
These results reflect the fact that, as with most education and care providers in the charity sector, we employ more women than men at every pay level across the charity.
Overall our results demonstrate that men and women are paid nearly equally across the charity, and we are committed to reducing the pay gap.
All figures above are accurate and have been signed off by our Chief Executive Officer, Caroline Stevens.